
Thank you for taking the time to visit our site. The African Warrior Scholars website (aka AWS) was created to pay homage to our great African Warrior Scholars who have paved the way and set the standards for those of us who are of African ethnicity and bloodline to learn what it is to be African.  Including:

  • Our history prior to slavery and colonization

           How and why we are the world’s first “human beings”

           How we created the world’s first “civilizations”

  • Our true African Culture which includes:

          Our Languages

          Our Spirituality

          Our Psychology before slavery or colonization and after.

          How we interacted with each other prior to invasion and colonization.

  • Our warriors who have fought for freedom throughout our diaspora from our oppressors.

  • Economic, military, mental & physical health, educational, political & social solutions to help free our minds, bodies and spirits from our current psychosis of self hate & depression.  This will enable us to again learn the principles of our ancient ancestors and be attentive to such teaching as; “know thyself” and take control of the destiny of our people.    

Throughout our website, we have been blessed and honored to have one of today’s premiere African Warrior Scholars to help educate and navigate you through your visit; the honorable Baba Mwalimu Baruti. Baba Baruti is a master teacher, author, sociologist, entrepreneur and current co-founder along with his wife, sister Yaa Baruti, of the Akoben Institute. The Akoben Institute located in Atlanta Georgia, has been in operation for over 20 years as an African Centered Independent school for children grades 6-12, whose mission is to teach and create a new generation of “Asafo’s & Kebu’s” for the 21st century.

The current roster of scholars we have listed on our website is by no means definitive. We plan on adding new African Warrior Scholars in the future based on those who meet the current characteristics and criteria we want to place on our website.  This does not in anyway demean the accomplishments of our other warriors who have made contributions towards the upliftment of the African people. Unfortunately, we just can’t list everyone. 

If you have any questions or concerns about our site, please use the form below to submit your concerns and we will be sure to respond promptly.  Also, please visit our online store, where you will find some unique items created specifically for our website. Most importantly, these items were created so we can always remember the contributions of our African Warrior Scholars and create awareness for other African people who visit our homes, our businesses and during our daily social interactions.   

African Warrior Scholars donates 10% of all monthly sales from our online store to the Akoben Institute. In this regard, your purchases also contribute to a noble and African Centered cause.


Thanks again and Abibifahodie!




The African Warrior Scholar Team



Thanks again for visiting our website. To find out more about these great African Warrior Scholars and their contributions to Africans throughout our diaspora, please click on any of the images below.

“The wealth of a people is ultimately not in their land, but where is it, it’s in the mind”.

Amos Wilson

“Powerful people cannot afford to educate the people that they oppress, because once you are truly educated, you will not ask for power. You will take it.”

John Henrik Clarke

“The hand of opposition is never exposed”.

Chancellor Williams

“Intellectuals ought to study the past not for the pleasure they find in so doing, but to derive lessons from it”.

Cheikh Anta Diop

“Truth is a continuous examination, and Fact… always supersedes belief.”

Dr.Ben Jochannan

“Racism…is a universal operating system of white supremacy and domination in which the majority of the world’s white people participate.”

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

“The rights of no oppressed people have ever yet been obtained by a voluntary act of justice on the part of the oppressors.”

Martin Delany

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots”

Marcus Garvey

“I am a freedom fighter. I have to be prepared every day that I open my eyes to fight the enemy in any way that the enemy presents itself.”

Khalid Muhammad

“If you’re not ready to die for it, put the word ‘freedom’ out of your vocabulary.”

Malcolm X

For questions or comments about our website, please use the contact form below and one of our representatives will respond to your inquiry promptly. Thank you for visiting “African Warrior Scholars!

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