In these two essays, Mwalimu Baruti discusses the problems and solutions to the issues of Afrikan thinkers being validated by Europeans and european institutions and the politics of liberation as practiced by four movements Afrikans have ourstorically joined in our efforts to become empowered individually and as a people. The first, “Validation,” looks at the training, motivation and aspirations of two groups of individuals within the our community who are oppositional in their vision of success for Afrikan people – negro Intellectualizers and Afrikan warrior scholars. The second, “Political Paths,” explains the ideology and Afrikan intent of the Liberal Humanism, Marxist Communist, Conservatism and PanAfrikan Nationalist Socialism movements. Both seriously focus on what thinking Afrikans at all socioeconomic and educational attainment levels must consider personally and collectively if our vision is to be one of an independent, self-defining ReAfrikanization and nationbuilding.