
Khalid Muhammad Frequently Asked Q & A


Question: Who was Khalid Abdul Muhammad?

Answer: Born Harold Moore Jr. in Houston, Texas, Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad was potentially, the most militantly aggressive black activists to come out of North America. Foremost, he was a Black Nationalist, member of the Nation Of Islam, also founder of the New Black Panther Party.


Question: How did he die?

Answer: Dr Khalid Muhammad died suddenly of a “brain aneurysm” in Atlanta, Georgia on February 17, 2001. Like other outspoken “black leaders” before him, he died in his early 50’s (53 years of age).


Question: How many children did he have?

Answer: Dr Khalid Muhammad had five children of whom the most well-known is Farrah Gray.


Question: Was he married?

Answer: It is not known if Khalid Muhammad was married although he had children.


For a more comprehensive bio of this African Warrior Scholar, click on the link below.

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