African Warrior Scholars would like to take this moment to thank you for visiting our website. If you have explored our site, you should now be acquainted with one of today’s most prominent and well respected African Warrior Scholars, Baba Mwalimu Baruti. Baba Baruti has lent us his talents and presence to help us give our visitors insight into the important contributions of the African Warrior Scholars we highlight on our website.
In addition to Baba Baruti’s talents as a “Asafao” (teacher), he is also a prolific author of over 20 books. Below you will find the images and links to learn more about his book titles or to make a purchase. As an option, you can also purchase Baba Baruti’s books from his Amazon page by clicking on the link near the bottom of the page, or when clicking on the “Learn More” button under each book title, you may see a “Purchase From Amazon” button under the description.
We offer the option to purchase from Amazon as it is the largest online book store in the world and many of you may be comfortable purchasing from them. However, please keep in mind that authors such as Baba Baruti, make less money for each individual sale from their books when purchased from Amazon as opposed to when someone purchases their books directly from the authors website. If you choose to purchase a used copy from Amazon, the author makes nothing at all. We at African Warrior Scholars want to not only promote the development and creation of future African Warrior Scholars, but also to advocate economic independence and eCommerce among “African/Black” people as much as possible.
Your purchases help Baba Baruti and his wife, sister Yaa Baruti, continue to operate their independent school “ The Akoben Insttitute”. The Akoben Institute located in Atlanta, GA, is an African Centered independent school for African (black) children grades 6-12. While giving their students an African centered education is important, one of the main goals of The Akoben Institute is to create African Warrior Scholars!
If you want to make a donation to the Akoben Institute click on the donation button located at the bottom of this page.
Educate yourself, family members & friends by purchasing and reading Baba Baruti’s books and in the process, help him mold and develop African Warrior Scholars for the 21st Century!
Click Here To See Our Book Bundle Package Pricing Specials
To take advantage of our special bundle pricing, choose which bundle package you want. Choose how many quantities of this package you wish to purchase by clicking on the “Quantity” dropdown button and then click on the “Add Bundle To Cart” button. You can purchase as many different packages as you want in any quantity. When adding a bundle to your cart, it is then YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to choose the books and the proper quantity for that item to take advantage of the bundle pricing.
For example, after you have added the “The Warriors Bundle” as shown below to your cart, it will be saved. You then have to choose the 3 book titles from this package by clicking the “Add To Cart” button. Once you have chosen the 3 books and are ready to ‘Checkout” click on the “Shopping Cart” icon in the menu. If you added 2 Quantities of “The Warrior Bundle” package, you would need to add “2” of each title contained in the package to your cart to receive the bundle pricing. If you change your mind and no longer want one of your chosen bundles, simply remove it from your cart. Please follow these instructions for bundle purchases.
The Warrior’s Bundle
Purchase this bundle and learn what it takes to be a warrior and continue the work of African nation builders such as Martin Delaney, Marcus Garvey, Carlos Cooks, Elijah Muhammad and Dr. Amos Wilson.
The Complementary Relationships Bundle
This bundle was put together to help African Warrior couples keep their relationships and families strong amidst a world of chaos and confusion.
The Sex and Sexual Insanity Bundle
Learn how the sexual deviant practices within European culture has affected the minds of African people and driven us into a state of insanity.
Essays, Essays and More Essays Bundle
A collection of essays to help give clarity and vision for African people.
The Education/Nationbuilding Bundle
Learn in these books the importance of developing African centered curriculum for our children in order for them to become African nation builders for our people.
The Maafa Bundle
In these books, learn why we as African’s should never forget our “Maafa” also known as the “middle passage”.